Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Darshni English 9th ( 2)

  1. Why should I spread my wings?
  2. to discover new horizons in the journey of life with lots of promises
  3. What are impediments? They are obstacles.
  4. What must I do in case of impediments and obstacles?
  5. I must not get disheartened and I must face the challenges.
  6. What are benefits of the impediments?
  7. They will transform me from ordinary to extra-ordinary beings.
  8. What makes a skilled sailor? The rough sea.
  9.  Why is the ship built? to sail across the rough seas and reach the harbor safely.
  10. What if the coal thinks it is ugly?
  11. It cannot become a sparkling diamond.
  12. What did Helen Keller do?
  13. She thought and knew it was possible for her
  14.  to read and write and that's how she championed the cause of the visually challenged.
  15. What did Arjun Bajpai do?
  16. He was successful in scaling the Mount Everest  at a tender age of sixteen because
  17. he did not think his age is an impediment.
  18. What is meant by irrefutably?
  19. convincingly.
  20. What lessons do you learn from Helen Keller and Arjun Bajpai?
  21. Any one can aim high and achieve success  against all odds.
  22. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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